Fish Farms | Aquaponics | Turtle Farms | Shellfish Leases | Live Rock
Black Bass Tournament
Bass size limit exemptions | Live release required
Commercial Freshwater
American Eel | Haul Seine | Resident Fish Dealer | Conditional Species
Freshwater Turtles
Rules for taking and possessing freshwater and box turtles and possession permit application. Commercial harvest prohibited.
Nonnative Aquatic Species
Rules for importing and transhipping certain tropicals and nonnative freshwater species.
Private Fish Ponds
License covers fishing in private ponds of 20 acres or more.
Recreational Fishing
Information about the types of licenses and permits you’ll need to fish in Florida – including prices and where to buy them.
Special Activities
Scientific Collecting | Research & Education | Public Purposes
Triploid Grass Carp
Controlling aquatic vegetation | Other plant control options
Tropical Fish Importation
Hobbyists | Importation | Transshipment | Conditional and prohibited species